


会長 高橋真二

副会長 ボーディン直美

渉外/広報 大場由晴, ハロウェイ美幸

会計 丸子能明

総務 丸子嘉子、オルセン美穂

顧問 高橋ジャック

Hello everyone,

I have not messaged you for such a long time. It’s been a dry, hot summer. How have you been? Our activities have been suspended for a long time because of Covid, but I have great news. Besides Covid has been subsided, we will have new board members. Therefore, this is my last message as the Chairman. Thank you very much for your support while we had been active since March, 2011. I am very grateful that Milwaukee Japanese Association will have a new beginning. I would like to express my sincere gratitude toward the new board members. Certainly, the retiring board members will be happy to assist as regular members. Let’s be one big, happy family again.

Retiring board members:

Chairman: Shinji Takahashi

Vice Chairman: Naomi Bodine

Public Relations: Yoshiharu Oba, Miyuki Halloway

Treasurer: Yoshiaki Maruko

Administration: Yoshiko Maruko, Miho Olsen

Advisor: Jack Takahashi


ウイスコンシンの良さが一番感じられる夏の盛りです。このたび新役員として引き継がせていただいた会長の河合博子です。長年、旧役員のみなさんの牽引力と尽力によって大きなイベント(東北大震災被災者の方への寄付金集めを目的に団結してがんばったジャパンフェスト)、小さな集まり (午後ティーの会、着物着付け教室、ゴルフコンぺ)、たくさんの楽しい行事を達成してこられました。そんなすばらしい歴史を持ったこの会をさらに未来にむけて発展させていけたら、と意欲もあらたにしているところです。









Dear Milwaukee Japanese Association members and future members

I hope you are all enjoying the best season in Wisconsin!  I’m honored and excited to introduce myself and the new board members.  This Association achieved a lot of amazing things since 2011: big events such as Japan Fest to support and donate funds to the Tohoku Earthquake victims and townships, and smaller fun events like golf tournaments and cultural get-togethers with Japanese sweets and kimono wearing lessons.  I hope that with your support and involvement, with the new board members who are equally passionate about the growth and outreach to the surrounding communities as I am, we will build a fun, open and meaningful association.

Whether you’re a long time resident of the area, or short-term resident, or you’re just interested in Japanese culture and language (and food!), you’re welcome to join our “team”.

Lastly, please let me express my sincere thank-you to the old board members for their tireless efforts to keep this association together even during the hard-times (the Earthquake back in Japan in 2011 and the COVID isolation).

Chair: Hiroko Kawai

Vice Chair: Mayumi Gaines

Secretary: Hiroko States

Public Affairs and Communications: Yoshinori Nishijima

Treasury: Open position (Hiroko Kawai will fill in until someone is selected)

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